Monday 28 November 2011

Minutes of Fundy Quilters Nov. 24th Meeting

There were 15 people at our meeting this evening and we had a great time at the chair sale. 

We discussed several things and agreed to pay Brenda for the cash box she purchased to keep the money in. We also talked about opening a bank account. If we decide to open a Fundy Quilters Account we have to have by laws, be audited etc. which sounded like too much work for our little group.  Perhaps two members can open up an account and just keep the funds there. Brenda had to work so we will discuss this with her at another time.
We agreed to pay the south Berwick Hall $100.00(motion was made by Molly and seconded by Suzanne and all were in favour)
Mary Jane is going to check with the manor to see if there is anything they would like us to do for them. Perhaps we could make bibs for the residents or something similar.  She will let us know at the January meeting.
Everyone showed off their block of the month block. Please bring them in each month so we can all see.
Verna won the fat quarter draw.  She has chosen snowflakes/snowmen for the January theme. 
We will NOT meet in December for our Thursday night gathering.  )SEW IN Saturday will still be held the 2nd Saturday of the month.
Our meeting in January will be a pot luck supper. Our start time will be 6PM for that. We will have the secret sister revealing, show and tell and all our usual activities.  We passed around a signup sheet to see who would bring what to eat. It looks like a yummy supper so far.
Sharon—chicken casserole
Molly—Date Squares
Suzanne—Party Pork
Mary Jane—dessert & rolls
Sandra-Fried Rice
Pat—Veggie Tray
Judy—fruit tray
Ann C—dessert
Janet—appetizer, juice, tea, coffee

We talked about storm closings and we decided that if school is cancelled, then we will cancel too.
We did not get a balance form Brenda, but it will get posted on the blog when I find out what it is.